& September 2003 |
The first public brick labyrinths in Israel, located
in the city of Rehovot, in which Roggel lives. Roggel designed the
labyrinths to occupy the front grounds of the 90-year-old building
dedicated to the performing arts. |
Each labyrinth is 10 yards in diameter,
and is made of 2.5" x 2.5" violet and white bricks. The
work was concluded on May 6th, 2003 for Israel's
55th Independence Day. |
May 2003 |
My Journal
Quilt Project - "A Page from My Book"- will be on
display in Portland, Oregon. Further
details. |
April 2003 |
My Journal
Quilt Project - "A Page from My Book"- will be on display at the new
International Quilt Festival in Chicago at the Convention Center in
Rosemont (near O'Hare Airport), on April 11th, 12th and 13th. Further
details. |
September 2002 |
 "Dust Into
Gold" is part of a special traveling exhibit of the Israeli Forum For
Ecological Art, and was exhibited on Earth Day, April 26th, in Tel Aviv's
Hangar 11. This piece was presented at the The World Summit for Sustainable
Development, Johannesburg 2002, as part of a Shadow Report to the Government
of Israel's
Assessment of Progress in Implementing Agenda 21. |
April 2002 |
The first brick Labyrinth in Israel, in Roggel's own garden. This
Baby Chartres variation is 7 yards in diameter, and is made of 2" x 3" black and
white bricks. |
Into Gold" is part of a special traveling exhibit of the Israeli Forum For Ecological
Art, and was exhibited on Earth Day, April 26th, in Tel Aviv's Hangar 11. It will travel
to the Israeli parliament and then to Johannesburg for the Rio +10 summit. |
December 2001 |
magazine for women's rights, by Ministry of Education - 10th issue. "O' Daughters of Jerusalem" (The Kiss Exhibit) on the cover, and a three page article. |
November 2001 |
"City Talk" - featured artist, filmed at Roggel's house,
2001. It was broadcast on the family channel. |
October 2001 |
An invitation to an exhibit by the
Painters & Sculptors Association, Israel.
"New Faces"
Opening: Thursday 4.10.2001 at 20:00
The exhibit will run between 4.10.2001 and 23.10.2001
The Artists' House of Tel Aviv, Israel
9 Alharizi St. Tel Aviv 03-5246685
Mon-Thurs 09:30-19:00
Fri 10:00-13:00
"Quilts Are
A Primedia Magazine
by Kathy Lamancusa
Featured in this magazine is an
inspirational story of Rachel Roggel's
April 2001 |
An invitation to a solo exhibit at
The Jerusalem Centre For The Performing Arts, Israel.
"Of Buttons &
Conceptual Art with Buttons & Buttonholes
Opening: Saturday 21.4.2001 at 20:00
Opening By Mrs. Noemi Cassuto
The exhibit will run between 16.4.2001 and 19.5.2001
The Jerusalem Centre For The Performing Arts, Israel.
20 Marcus St. Jerusalem 02-5695757
Sun-Thurs 17:00-21:00
Fri 12:00-15:00
Saturday Evening Till 21:30 & During